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Brief facts about pypy:

PyPy is an implementation of the Python programming language. PyPy often runs faster than the standard implementation CPython because PyPy uses a just-in-time compiler. Most Python code runs well on PyPy except for code that depends on CPython extensions, which either does not work or incurs some overhead when run in PyPy. PyPy itself is built using a technique known as meta-tracing, which is a mostly automatic transformation that takes an interpreter as input and produces a tracing just-in-time compiler as output. Since interpreters are usually easier to write than compilers, but run slower, this technique can make it easier to produce efficient implementations of programming languages. PyPy's meta-tracing toolchain is called RPython. PyPy does not have full compatibility with more recent versions of the CPython ecosystem. While it claims compatibility with Python 2.7, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9, it lacks some of the newer features and syntax in Python 3.10, such as syntax for pattern matching.

Bootstrapping (compilers) - In computer science, bootstrapping is the technique for producing a self-compiling compiler – that is, a compiler written in the source programming language that it intends to compile.

Cython - Cython is a superset of the programming language Python, which allows developers to write Python code that yields performance comparable to that of C. Cython is a compiled language that is typically used to generate CPython extension modules.

GraalVM - GraalVM is a Java Development Kit written in Java. The open-source distribution of GraalVM is based on OpenJDK, and the enterprise distribution is based on Oracle JDK. As well as just-in-time compilation, GraalVM can compile a Java application ahead of time.

Partial evaluation - In computing, partial evaluation is a technique for several different types of program optimization by specialization. The most straightforward application is to produce new programs which run faster than the originals while being guaranteed to behave in the same way.

Psyco - Psyco is an unmaintained specializing just-in-time compiler for pre-2.7 Python originally developed by Armin Rigo and further maintained and developed by Christian Tismer. Development ceased in December, 2011.

Self-hosting - In computer programming, self-hosting is the use of a program as part of the toolchain or operating system that produces new versions of that same program—for example, a compiler that can compile its own source code. Self-hosting software is commonplace on personal computers and larger systems.

Stack-based virtual machines

FP6 projects

Free software programmed in Python

Software using the MIT license


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