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Brief facts about misskey:

Misskey is self-hosted social networking software. It is commonly used as part of the Fediverse network, with Mastodon and similar software. Misskey was created in 2014 by "syuilo", a Japanese software engineer. The main service was first developed as a bulletin board, but then the open-source community started to add short "Notes" and a timeline function to the service growing it into a microblogging site. ActivityPub functionality was added in April 2018, allowing Misskey servers to join the Fediverse. A user's post is called a Note. As with other open-source social networks, users can join or create servers. Each server is managed by different administrators, in different locations. The origin of the Misskey name is from the lyrics of 'Brain Diver', a song released by the Japanese singer May'n.

Microblogging software

Free software websites

Free software programmed in Ruby

Web applications

Social media


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