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Brief facts about bigpicture:

Highline Big Picture is a small school in the Highline School District in Burien, Washington, that is part of a network of Big Picture schools all over the United States. The high school opened in 2005 with 2009 being the first year with a graduating class. It is a small school with an average teacher-to-student ratio of 1:17. Highline Big Picture, as part of the Big Picture Network, practices Learning Through Internships or LTI as it is known in the school. On Tuesdays and Thursdays students look for interviews with people in their interest field, this is followed up with shadow day with them. Shadow day within the school is a day in which you follow the people you interview around for a day or two. This is to help the student get an internship at the same place of their choice. Once the student has an internship, they can learn real-world experiences in the field they want to be in. The person that helps them in their internship is called a Mentor.

High schools in King County, Washington

Public high schools in Washington (state)


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